³| D setzt C als Basis vorraus
²| C setzt B als Basis vorraus
¹| B setzt A als Basis vorraus


Sprache\m\ ˽ Bild ∫(t) ˽ Sprache\n\

⇲ ˽  ∫0 Tøff Zombie ˽ g7̵

[lamux] 26: king your knowledge with the youngest,
/27/Ni: milestone pause figure,
/29/Zn: /18/K crossing /27/Ni,
minuscule: /20/Sc ‥capital: /42/Tc, CuZn: /53/Xe

open/close spotlight «initial issue description»

9/18-9/15/20 NB: 🧅
Bevor jemand das alter hat zu Heiraten, muss derjenige sein Haus aufräumen und sein Haus in ordnung bringen. Ein Zeitschnitt-Ex im Bildbereich ∫(t) funktioniert nicht.
physics confuse chemistry-mix-up  // physicist relat(z)ions `till` physician stats chemless `mil. the latter` catch physicist ([tag}: techn. physics, trad. chemistry) 'n' physician ({{tag]: physisk, mach. physics)
mach-up help only `else failed` even deeper below, mach-down i.e. top-down with view permission
9/13/20 [qed]
dar a luz a un bebé - siempre viene bien y en paz - una llegada del singular off no existe así se exclue tal otra idea
enseña habilidades inclusivas y muestra vinculaciones a balance, canales adicionales vital para una solución - educación de q.e.d.
9/13/20 [???]
singular off 2.0: ignoring, blocking, walling this irreversible is impossible as physics demands to an either resolution at earliest  // does dark-irreversible even allow to ratio with a `real` un-unreal strategy for toff zombies
this virtual translates "Mach `mit` den Planeten auszulöschen, dass haben die anderen nun davon!" - actually explains Hippokrates why a resolution to even this by or through a single person only reflects a deep miss ø active action to and from all re-quires school teaching 2.0 aquires parc teaching 1.0
9/12/20 [???]
holo-drive: field wandering modulator  // communicate directly instead see next entry©2020-09-13

Tøff – illuminati: Every baby arrives as an illuminati – telling broken t is a study case of the illuminati to collect herd immunity numbers is going nul ‥as neither ㉛ tools were present to parameter this ‥nor does physics offer a top-down method to measure the singular off, a remarkable indication by itself.
Tøff – broken t: disor to math, physics, nature -worst id for educate, create, aument, develop
go swift like Boston, Portland,